Ryuichi Sakamoto by Floraleda Sacchi (Usb Audio Key + Book)


“Ryūichi Sakamoto by Floraleda Sacchi” is an album including 13 pieces for acoustic Harp and Harp with live electronics. Selected compositions include music by Sakamoto written from 1970 to 2020, ranging from soundtracks to concert pieces.

This project is the first album for Harp dedicated to the music of Ryūichi Sakamoto.

The release is a USB key storing 24bit Audio + printed Book 34 pages, full color.
The USB key is compatible with MacOs, Windows, Linux and smart TVs or the USB of your car.



01. Aubade 2020
02. Germination – Coda
03. Minamata Theme
04. Happy End
05. High Heels
06. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
07. Lost Theme
08. Andata
09. Women without men
10. Solari
11. Solitude
12. Trioon II
13. Hibari

[Total Time: 57:00]