The Harp

“My approach to a relatively unusual instrument as the Harp happened by chance, as often happens when one falls in love at first sight, but cannot explain why.

Some facts, however, favored this: a vinyl I had at home as a child, a cartoon in which was represented a harpist, a few concerts on tv showing a harp: disparate suggestions which, however, meant that at the big question of my parents “Do you want to play an instrument?” I answered without any hesitation “the Harp!”.

I’ve never had any kind of afterthought, even though the decision to become a professional musician came later – with the progress of the studies.

My independent character lead, without I planned before, the unfolding of my career. In fact, I tried to play in the orchestra, but I soon realized that such kind of work was not for me: too many waiting times and above all, it’s barely impossible for me to accept that someone would tell me what repertoire to play and how to play it.

The solo career was – at that point – almost obligatory. So I was obliged to study deeply the repertoire of the past and look for a new repertoire for the instrument: through transcriptions, but also composing or commissioning to composers and rediscovering forgotten authors… Many paths that ultimately led me to play just the music I love.”

(from “Cose di Musica”, an interview with Cristian Carrara for TV2000)